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Lesson Plan 1

Business materials


internet connection

Lesson Objectives

1. To improve reading, writing and grammar skills of students.

2. To teach communicative writing and reading with some grammar components.

3. Students will be able to describe their childhood tours through descriptive essays.

Warm up and objective Discussion

I will show the students my Picnic photos as a child and ask them if they can find me in the photos.

I will ask them if they remember their childhood picnics.

I will ask students to type the differences between past and present situations in their

mobile phones.

Students will later be asked to write about their own childhood considering the differences between their childhood and today. Then students will be told the topic “My Childhood picnic.”

Instruct and Model

I will run Power Point Slides to teach “Vocabulary” with colorful photos.

Students will be given a bit of grammar instruction as a reminder for this specific lesson because the focal area of grammar is going to be Past simple, past continuous and past perfect.

I will also teach them some good adjectives such, charming, unforgettable, memorable, Delicious, and some words related to tourism.

I will share with them different parts of my tour diary through email along with the photos.

I will teach them “Adjective clause” with “When” to describe time in past such as, It was a time when I was 7.

It was a time when things used to be cheaper. It was a time when I had no life stress.

Guided Practice

Students will be divided into groups of 3-4. By jigsaw each group will read different information from my tour diary.

They will share their part of stories on the discussion form in the Facebook group of the class. I will make sure the Facebook notifications don’t interrupt students’ learning process.

They will share their own tour experiences as children on the same discussion form.

I will ask them to brainstorm through using brainstorm clustering software. They will brainstorm and write ideas in groups.

I will ask them to take help of google to take help for gathering more key points to write.

Less guided and Independent Practice

They will organize their bullet points through making an outline. I will send them the organizational outline for my tour diary as a model.

Independent Practice

Students will write their essays on blogs.

Students will be asked to add voice to it through descriptive words. Use of sensory words will be suggested.


I will check if there are any common or different grammatical errors in writing and then I will post some grammatical points in the blog to help the learners notice their own mistakes I will ask students to peer-review and notice the mistakes.


Micro Teaching Video

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