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Lesson Plan 4

Business materials

Multimedia + speakers


Lesson Objectives

1 . Students will watch a video on global warming.

2. Student will discuss environmental issues such as natural disasters etc.

3. Students will be taught vocabulary with pronunciation related to environment issues.

4. Students will discuss the issues and come up with the solutions through problem solving strategy.

5.Students will make a video presentation at the end of at the end of the lesson.

Warm-up and objective discussion:


Students will be shown some photos of natural disasters on multimedia power-point and Students will be prompted to discuss with each the causes of natural disasters.

They will ask each other questions in groups of 2 to 3.

Objective Discussion:

Today we will have a brief discussion on environmental issues, Students will watch a video report on environmental issues then we will learn vocabulary related to the topic and then we will come up with the solutions for the environmental issues.

Instruct and model:

Students will be taught vocabulary with pronunciations through multimedia powerpoint.

Students will be taught these words with sentence examples and pictures and they will practice the pronunciation through making different sentences in series and they can check pronunciation in online pronunciation dictionaries.

  1. Natural disasters

  2. Earthquake

  3. Ozone layer

  4. Pollution (noun), pollutant (adjective)

  5. Rescue (verb) Rescue (noun)

  6. Survive (verb) Survival ( Noun )

  7. Unnatural gases

  8. Green-house effects

  9. Deforestation

  10. Cut pollution

Guided practice:

I will ask students to draw three columns in their copies. KWL(K) what students already know(w) what students want to know (L) what students have learned.

Students will be given handouts for information gap activities, they will fill in the blanks and students will work in groups of 2 to 3.

Students will watch the video.

Students will write KWL meanwhile.

Students will be given the model of problem solving strategies. All steps will be given in form of chart in handouts.

Independent practice:

Students will start discussion in groups, they will write all of the possible causes and then they will discuss the most prominent cause then they will discuss different alternative solutions and then they will come up with the most suitable solutions then they will make decision and they will make a video presentation to post on social media so that their voice could reach the govt officials and they could take their words into consideration.


I will check assess their listening through KWL and cloze activities and their speaking on the basis of grammatical forms and meanings along with the logicality in their problem solving discussion.

The global errors in pronunciation will be taken into consideration and will be taught later in the next lesson.


Micro Teaching Video

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