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Lesson Plan 6

Business Material:

Multimedia/Handouts and Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary

Lesson Objectives:

Students will learn and practice the difference

Between “long A /eɪ/ ” and “Short A/a/” and long “O” and “long O /oʊ/ and “short /ɑː/”

Warm-up and Objective Discussion:

Students will be shown some words on power-point such as ,

Snake and Snack

Rate and Rat

Rain and Ran

Main and Man

Then they will be asked to pronounce them.

Then they will be shown words like,

Note and Not

Goat and Got

Rode, road and Rod

Ode and Odd

Then they will be asked to pronounce these words.

Students will be told that they are going to learn the difference between long A and short A and long O and short O.

Instruct and Model:

Students will be taught the sound / eɪ / / a/

I will have students listen to the pronunciations of words with both sounds from Cambridge advanced learners’ dictionary.

They will try to recognize then they will be taught the possible spelling pattern for both sounds.

For Short A sound: CVC: Consonant, Vowel and Consonant and Vowel Consonant

Bat, Hat, Bad , Ban, Cat, Fat, Chat, Lack, Hack, Rat, App, Lap, Lab, etc

Then the examples of Long A Sound:

Vowel + Consonant +E : Hate, Late ,lane , crane, Chase, face, phase, etc

EI,AI ,ay and ey : Neighbor, Rein, brain, rain, gain. Pray, prey, lay, stay, day, etc

Students will also be told some non-phonetic words such as,

Have, great, again (north American), said, says,

Guided Practice:

Students will be given worksheets to recognize the sounds / eɪ/ / a/, / oʊ/ and / ɑː/

Students will work in group and they will recognize the sounds and they will discuss the sounds as well and help each other where necessary.

Independent Practice:

Students will be given tongue twisters such as,

The faded fad of aiding bad fat hateful Stan stains society like crayon on the side of a crane.

I hate the hats that Nate and Nat wear at eight o’clock in their paid pad.

The rain ran through gran’s grain, down the lined lain, and through the man’s mane of hatless hair.

Instruct and Model:

The short O and long O sounds will be introduced.

They will be taught the possible spelling pairs for both sounds.

Short Vowel Sound:

CVC and VC rule such as Not, Hot, Pot, Lot, Rod God, Slot, bomb , Nod etc

Then the spelling pairs for the long O sound such as,

O+Consonant+ E : Note, Coke, smoke, Bone, Stone, Rope,

OA, OW: Coach, blow, Crow, Foam, Roam,Oat, boast etc

Students will be told some non phonetic words such as,

Most, Ghost, host etc

Guided Practice:

Students will do a worksheet for long O and short O sound again in group.

Independent practice:

Students will be given tongue twisters like,

Opie knows old boats go slow.

The coat from the coast cost

more than most.

Assessment and homework:

I will check for accuracy and will notice some prominent mistakes and keep them in spaced repetition bar for teaching later.

Students will be given home assignments to record their tongue twisters in their mobile and then send me.


Micro Teaching Video

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