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Lesson Plan 3

Business Material


Software: Dictionary of Cambridge

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to learn words related to education.

  1. Students will discuss education affairs.

  2. Students will learn some words’ pronunciations.

  3. Students will do a role-play as different characters such as Education minister, teacher, student, parent etc.

Warm-up and Objective discussion


Students will be demonstrated some photos of schools, some public and some private schools through Microsoft power point slides.

Students will discuss some education problems. They will discuss the role of students and teachers and parents in groups

Objective Discussion:

Today we are going to watch and listen to the speech of American President Barak Obama on Education and we will see how he takes education and how he motivates students into getting education.

Instruct and Model:


Words and phrases:

Turn around


Monday through Friday


Fall asleep

Make a difference

Put in the hard work it takes

Be good at

Students will be taught the meanings of the words through multimedia slides and then will be assigned to find these words and phrases on Google and they will be asked to find the correct use of these words and then they will be assigned to listen to the speech and write the whole sentence spoken in the speech.

Students will be taught listening skills such as understanding stress pattern of speech.

Word pronunciations to be taught through slides.

The preposition “of” /ov/ will be taught with comparison to “off” /of/

Thought with comparison to fought, bought, brought, taught, etc

Some other words with the same “AW” sound such as talk, all,walk etc. Students can be given a tongue twister such as “I thought you’d fought before you bought.” And they will be asked to record their voice in their mobile phone and check the accuracy through noticing my voice in the tongue twister I will share with them.

Some spoken forms of language such “some of you” as “summuv u” “all of you” as “aluv u”

“might have, must have” as “might’ve and must’ve”

The pronunciation for the morpheme “er” “ur” “ir”

Her, fur , Sir, etc

Sperm, curly, bird can be comparative examples.


Guided Practice

Students will work in groups. I will email them cloze exercises

Students will be doing cloze exercise.

They will focus those specific words taught in pre-listening.

They will be asked to type the whole sentences.

Students will discuss education with reflection of speech with each other on the discussion form.

Independent Practice


Students will be asked to present some correct pronunciation words they commonly mispronounce.

Students will use the taught words in their own sentences related to their country’s education.

Students will practice dialogues with each other for the role-play and they will do a 5 minute role-play with five members in each group.

1.Teacher 2.Student 3.Parent 4.Minister 5.principal.

Students will be given tips to remember their points through using pneumonic approach such as using their points as acronyms for example: Teacher can remember the points TPS( teacher’s problems at School) TPC (teacher’s problems in class) TPP (Teacher’s problems in personal life) same goes for responsibilities of teacher such as TRC ( teacher’s responsibility in class) TRSS (Teacher’s responsibility for specific students) the same pattern will go for all the characters. This approach will help them remember their key points easily.

Students make Vlog videos and post them to their Facebook timeline.


Students will be marked based on their correct use of words, pronunciations and their coherence in their discussion and VLOGS.

The best VLOGS will be shared on the page of the institute.


Video in process

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