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Lesson Plan 2

Business Materials



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Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to read extensively.

Students will learn to write an informal letter to a friend for to motivate him.

Students will learn some vocabulary items and their use through reading stories.

Warm up and Objective Discussion (Pre-reading)

Warm-up: Students will be shown some photos of a poor dad loving his daughter through power-point slides. In the next slide student will see that some students are making fun of that girl in the class. The whole picture story will be guessed and written through prediction of students and students will keep the record of their prediction for the later stage.

Students will be asked about the low class professions and they will discuss the importance and significance of low class jobs such as, sweeping, collecting garbage and dish washing etc.

Objective Discussion: The topic will be introduced,” Today we will learn a story of a girl who faces a lot of trouble due to her father’s profession which is “Collecting garbage from door to door” and the story is “Jodie’s father is a garbage-man.”

Instruct and Model

Students will be taught some words from the story through multimedia pictures demonstrations.

Guided Practice (While reading)

Students will be divided into 5 groups for jigsaw reading activity and each group will have 4 members and a different part of story. They all will read their part and predict the other parts. And will write those parts for the later stage.

After that group members will be switched and they will share their part of the story with each other.

Independent Practice (Post reading)

Students will compare their predictions at the time of pre-reading and at while reading and will write some differences if found.

Instruct and Model (Pre-writing)

Students will be given a letter to a kid they know is from lower class background and they will motivate the kid into coming out of inferiority.

Students will be given a model of letter writing and they will be taught the basic models of a letter.

The bullet points will be elicited from students through prompt questions such as what can motivate the kid?

How important the role of that specific kid can be in the society?

Guided Practice (while writing)

Students will be taught organizational order of ideas. Students will write their letters and will be helped with vocabulary items.

Independent Practice (Post-writing)

All letters will be peer reviewed in groups of four.


The letters will be evaluated on the basis of coherence and voice and the grammatical errors will be noticed to plan the next lesson.



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