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Lesson Plan 7

Theme Name: Travel to Northern Areas of Pakistan


  • Students will learn vocabulary related to travel such as, types of transportation, words related to mountainous areas.

  • Students will be able to utilize the structure "Going to" for telling their travel plan.

  • Students will make group conversation discussing their travel plan.

  • Students will find their desired areas of for travel on internet and learn about them in a bit to extract information related to the travel so that they could better discuss the travel plan.

  • Method of assessment:

  • Students will be assessed based on their required word use,deliverance,body language, voice for each speech components they will be given numbers out of 5 and total marks are going to be 20.

  • The other method of assessment is the contrast between the previous performances and current performance.

Warm up:

The facilitator will begin the class with a video of northern areas of Pakistan. The facilitator will ask vocabulary used in the video and the students will be taught the words if they don't know any. Students will be asked to close their eyes and imagine that they are in those mountainous areas of Pakistan. They will be asked how they felt visualizing such wonderful scenery of Pakistan. Then Students will asked to have small discussion on northern areas travel, suppose we all are going there. Just share your plan with each other in groups. Students can be ready to learn the structure "Going to" as mentioned in the lesson objectives.

Objective Discussion:

  1. (Clearly states the instructional objectives)So students today you will learn to discuss your travel plan with your friends in English. 2. (check for understanding)Do you know what structures is required when discussing plan? Yes we will learn the structure "going to" and do you know the vocabulary we need when we are on travel or plan for a travel? 3. (Establishes Specifics) you will have a group discussion for a travel. You will go to the IT lab and search your desired travel areas and learn features of those areas and will discuss with your group. 4. (Discusses the importance of the objectives) Do you feel it difficult when you discuss travel plans with your friends or when you are on travel and you need to communicate in English? After the class you will be able to utilize phrases we need for travel in our communication. So here it is.

Instruct and Model:

As mentioned in the objective discussion, you are going to learn the structure "Going to" to describe future plans and intentions. The syntax is simple I want you to answer me. I am going to write some examples on the board you just observe and answer me. She is going to get married. He is going to move to northern areas. They are going to eat out. They are going to through airplane. what syntax do you find the sentences? Subject+is/am/are+Verb(basic form)+object. oh that's great! let us make more sentences. Every student will describe some of the things they would like to during the travel using going to. After that students will be asked to make some questions using "going to" and the position of students will be changed and they will ask their partners those questions. Then students will be taught vocabulary related to travel. For example: excursion, tour(as a verb),get on the bus/train/truck, get off the bus/train/truck, get into the car/taxi, get out of the car/taxi. hiking, stride, climb, scenery, commute, journey, fare Means of Transportation: The road / the highway / the port / the airport. After they have learned they will be sent to the lab for the extraction of information of their desired areas of travel.

Guided Practice:

Travel to the northern Areas of Pakistan: Guided practice for the structure "Going to" every student will make sentences using going to. I will provide them with a worksheet with missing words they will fill them up. I will mention some famous areas of north side of Pakistan for tour and students will tell the information they have about them. Then in less guided practice: students will use the lab and extract information about their desired areas for tour. They will have a group discussion on their desired areas for travel. They will share information with each other.

Independent practice:

All students will come and present their travel plan one by one. I am giving 5 minutes to all of you to think, come here introduce your idea in possibly the best way. You have 4 minute to deliver your presentation.

Students will go through internet and they will take time finding some good places and information related to those areas. They will give presentation on their favorite area to visit. They will be encouraged to use the vocabulary they have been taught for the excursions. Performances will be assessed through their word use, speech clarity, their gestures and tone, and their ideas. They will be encouraged to bring creativity in their presentations.


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