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Lesson Plan 5

Business Material


Lesson Objectives

Students will learn the difference between

How long + Present Continuous vs How long + present perfect continuous

Students will do role-play of mock interviews

Warm-up and objective discussion

Students will be asked questions like

  1. How long you have you been studying in college/University/School?

  2. How long are studying?

  3. How long have you been waiting?

  4. How long are you waiting?

After this students be asked if they know the difference between both types of sentences.

Then students will be asked to write a timeline from past to present and present till future.




Objective Discussion:

Today we will learn how to ask duration connected with past and present and present and future.

Such as the difference between “how long have you been working?” and “how long are you working?”

Instruct and Model:

Students will be taught through the timeline from to past present.

How long have you been teaching?

Maybe you started teaching few days, a few months or a few years ago and now I am asking you how long have you been teaching?

Then on the other hand I say “How long are you teaching?”

I am asking your plans for the current action until when you will continue this action.

I will use the timeline to help them out.

Maybe you are teaching until 2020 or maybe you are teaching until you get any other jobs or you are teaching for life.

Therefore when we use “How long + present continuous” it refers to present actions with reference to future while present perfect continuous past actions connected with present.

Then students will be given handouts with example sentences of present continuous and present perfect continuous.

Guided Practice:

Students will be given handouts with information gap exercises.

Such as,

Kashif: Oh Ali, “you developed such nice muscles. How long _____________ exercising? (have you been or are you)”. Ali: for last 5 months and I am going to work out more as I am planning to participate in the next competition. Kashif: Well, how long _________working out today? (are you/have you been) I want to meet you. Ali: till 5 o’clock.

Less Guided Practice:

Students will be asked to write questions and ask each other in groups using both tenses.

Students will be asked to practice a role-play for a mock interview. Such as there is a job vacancy for an HR Manager.

Students will practice the dialogues role-play.

I will give them hints for using the grammar lesson in the interview such as, Are you currently working anywhere? How long have you been working? and what is the length of the contract and how long are you working more there? When are you going to join us. Etc.

This time students will be practicing on diffuse mode

Independent Practice and assessment:

Students will perform the role-play and I will check their understanding and keep in spaced repetition the weak points. I will give them worksheet assignments as homework.


Micro Teaching video

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